
This document is relevant for BridgeTabs as well with the important difference that Channel is replaced by WiFi network setting and Base station is replaced by IP address (number), c. f .BT Admin's IP in BridgeTab's Help.

The reason why no table become green at start can be:

  1. That you have forgotten to Start game (F2) in the main interface.
  2. That the tabletop units are using another channel than the BSC.
  3. That the base station is not recognized.

You do not have to guess the reason if the BSC tells you to reconnect the Base station.

You should check that Windows has recognized the base station, if BSC cannot find it. That is to say, that Prolific USB-to-Serial Com Port (COM XX) does show in Windows Device manager under Ports (COM &LPT) as is shown in the illustration to the right.

Note that the COM port number must not be higher than 16. If it would be 17, or higher, you will need to reset it to a number <17 in the following way:

  1. Double-click on Prolific USB-to-Serial Com Port
  2. Select the Port settings tab in the Properties dialog that appears
  3. Click Advanced
  4. Set COM port no. in the scrollbox at the bottom of the Advanced settings dialog.

If no results are communicated and no feedback is available at any table, it is either because you have clicked the Stop button (so that it now shows Start), or the base station has ceased to function. In the latter case you need not do anything; BSC will reset the base station within seven minutes.

BSC will tell you to reconnect the base station if it fails to reset communication. It is sufficient to have the USB cable unplugged until you hear/see that Windows has released the connection with Prolific... You can connect the USB cable again as soon as Prolific... has been disconnected. Try the following steps if communication is not established.

  1. Stop game (F4) in BSC.
  2. Disconnect the USB cable from the Base station until its lights go off.
  3. Connect the USB cable again when Windows has disconnected Prolific....
  4. Start game (F2) in BSC when Windows has connected Prolific..

Close BSC and re-start (re-launch) the program  if these steps would not help. The worst case scenario is that you have to restart the PC if Windows refuses to release the Prolific driver.

The reason why some (but not all) of the tables become green can be that those tables are set to another channel, or that they are out of range.

We suggest that you bring the unit(s) closer to the base station and start them from there, if they would be out of range. They will run offline until the game is finished after that. The grid will look as shown in the lower illustration to the right during the session.

When the game has finished you bring the unit(s) back to the base station to have their results uploaded.

When things have settled down you should investigate why the table(s) did not connect and change whatever needs to be changed before the next game, cf. the manual.

Positioning the Base Station
You will have the best possible communication when the tables are in direct line of sight with the Base Station. The Base Station should preferable be placed on the South (or West) wall, assuming that North enter the Scores and East confirms. You can have a complimentary fitting for wall/ceiling on request.

You should avoid to put the Base Station next to WiFi, wireless routers, microwave ovens etc. as such devices might disturb the Base Station.

You are advised to contact use the "Report problem" button in the BSC 's About dialog if you cannot get it right.

It can be necessary to use more than one base station if you play in separate premises, or in more than one room. See the appendix Networking in the Manual.

