
The Bridge Scorer Control´s (BSC) menues (File, etc) are explained on a separate page.

The meaning of  Base station OK and the Start/Stop button is explained under the tabs "Start Session" and "Run Session" respectively. And your should study what we have to say about the deals if it says Deals n/a (as in the example).

BSC can either display the pair nos, or the boards, that are to be played in a certain round at a certain table. 

Showing has boards view as default. You can change to Pairs view, but in most cases it is better to highlight the pair that you are interested in.

Change View Click Change view button to change presentation method.

Pair no. highlights the entered pair number. In the example pair no. 15 has been highlighted.

Note that you have to tick the box EW no. if you have the same series of numbers for EW as NS (and are interested in an EW pair's whereabouts.)


BSC shows the tables belonging to the indicated section. You can use the arrow to select another section.

Table (Tbl) column
The colour in the table column give an indication of which tables that have logged in to the server and not.

  • Red = not  logged on.
  • Blue = Logged on but not yet received changes (of settings and/or movement).
  • Green = logged on and up to date.

Round (Rd) columns
The colour of the cells in the round columns indicates the status of the upload of results to the server.

  • White = no result whatsoever in that round.
  • Yellow = current round.
  • Green = all results in the indicated round have been received.
  • Red = result from a previous round missing from the indicated table.

You can click a cell and the details will be presented:


Change result
You can change or remove a result, or enter a ruling, by clicking on an entry, see  separate page.

